RI Authors Showcase and Giveaway! Meet Risa Nyman

Each day this month, meet a Rhode Island author! Comment on the blog post for a chance to win our Grand Prize (a $200 Amazon gift card) or our Bonus Prize (a $100 Amazon gift card). Some authors are giving away books, too - your comment enters you into their drawing as well. (See details at the bottom of this page)

One dead father. One lying mother. One giant secret.

12-year-old Rocky's father dies suddenly, and he knows the "his heart stopped" story is bogus. Immediately after the funeral, his mother sticks the "For Sale" sign in the lawn and whisks them out of town as if it is too dangerous to be there. Rocky is now on high alert and determined to crack open the secret about how his father really died.

When the voice of his dead father speaks to him and insists he must return to his old town to learn the truth, Rocky doubts he should take advice from a dead person. Luckily, his new friend Olive offers to be his assistant detective and together they plot to solve the mystery.

But is it always better to unlock a secret? Will Rocky be forced to rethink who was the father he thought he knew?

Risa has generously offered to gift a copy of Swallowed by a Secret to one lucky winner. Your comment on this blog post enters you into her drawing, as well as the Grand Prize and Bonus Prize drawings.

Born in Boston with the accent to prove it, Risa lived within ten miles of the city for decades until a recent move to the neighboring Ocean State.

For many years, Risa worked in a nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting active participation in our democracy, with a special focus on voting and elections.

Risa's deep dive into creative writing started with finding three pennies in a neat stack in a completely empty apartment that belonged to her mother. It's a long story.

When not writing, Risa is reading, exercising or doing therapeutic ironing (yes, there is such a thing.)

Visit Risa's website here: https://www.risanyman.com/

You can leave a comment on each day's blog post during November, for up to 30 chances to win. Daily giveaways by authors will be drawn one week after publication. The author will contact the winner to coordinate delivery. Grand Prize and Bonus Prize will be drawn December 8.


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