Thoughts for the 13th

Waiting for Spring - photo by M. ReynoldsIt's been too long since I last posted anything here, especially with such good material (Super Bowl, snow fatigue, movies [no, not that one]). Here are some random musings for Friday the 13th:

  • I read the 50 Shades trilogy a couple of years ago. Yeah, I admit it. Poorly written, but I wanted to know what made it such a runaway bestseller. Still not sure. And I have no interest in seeing the movie. Some see this whole thing as harmless fun, some see it as a degradation of women. I just think life is too short to spend time doing something that doesn't move or inspire you - and this movie would do neither.
  • We've got snow - and more on the way this weekend. Those of you who know me are well aware that I love winter. Cold is good! Fleece is fun! I have not complained about this winter, and I won't, because it won't change anything!
  • I'm writing a new book, and it's taking a lot longer than my previous books. Why? Well, I work part-time now. Usually just a day or two per week, but I'm still trying to figure out how to best utilize my time. That's one of the reasons I haven't blogged.
  • Speaking of books, I just finished reading one by a well-known author. Traditionally published, meaning she had a team of editors and proofreaders, and still I found typos and obvious misspellings ('phased' instead of 'fazed'). When did mediocre become acceptable?
  • Does Friday the 13th scare you? Do you believe it's unlucky? My writer pal Kathleen Paterka says it's lucky, not unlucky (she and I were both born in the 13th, so I have to agree). What other superstitions have a hold on you?
  • I've been fascinated by the idea of chicken and waffles. There are basically two versions - the Penn Dutch kind and the 'soul food' kind from Baltimore and points south. Not the healthiest choice, but give me a break - we have four feet of snow on the ground, I should be able to eat waffles. If you're local (Rhode Island) and want to try this dish, head over to Dante's Kitchen on Main Street in East Greenwich. Love this place!
  • I'm preparing for the annual A to Z Blogging Challenge, which starts in April. My posts will appear right here, every day (Sundays off), and my theme this year is Listen Up! This'll be my fourth year participating (previous themes included Writers, Poets, Lyricists, Places I've Been, and A Whole Lotta Cheese). I hope you'll follow along in April! And I promise to post a few more blogs before then.



37 Years Between Historic Blizzards