37 Years Between Historic Blizzards

We're supposed to get a blizzard of "historic proportions" starting tomorrow. I was a sophomore at Providence College when, not even two months after a tragic dorm fire that eventually claimed the lives of ten young women, the Blizzard of '78 hit us hard. Two and a half feet of snow stopped traffic, stranded hundreds, and made for an extra, unexpected vacation for us.But I'm not 20 years old anymore, and now I think about what we have on hand for an emergency: batteries, candles, food that doesn't need to be cooked. An elderly father-in-law, a sister living alone. Weather like this can be treacherous! So be safe and stay home if possible. Read a book. Drink wine and tea. Eat chocolate. Play a game with your kids (or, as I'm learning is more the case with my peers, grandkids). Make love. Then eat again!



Thoughts for the 13th


Where Hope Walks