CHOCOLATE FONDUE giveaway announcement

final-cover-amazon-copy.jpgI've listed a giveaway (two copies) of CHOCOLATE FONDUE, the sequel to my début novel, CHOCOLATE FOR BREAKFAST, on Goodreads. If you don't know about Goodreads, it's the world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations. Their mission is to help people find and share books they love.Just click here and you'll be taken to the Goodreads page, where you can sign up to win one of two signed paperbacks!Yes, if you're wondering, my days have been filled lately with book marketing and promotion. It's not my favorite thing, but it's necessary to get the book noticed outside my circle of friends and family (aka my loyal readers and reviewers!). Last week I sent a copy of the book to the Hotel Walter in Lugano, Switzerland (the hotel is mentioned in the book), and I'll be sending copies of both books to the Hotel de la Rose in Fribourg. Meanwhile, I've had some interest from a couple of book clubs, and will be appearing on three blogs this month.I've begun my third novel - which has absolutely nothing to do with Switzerland or chocolate! - but the challenge I've found lately is writing darker passages when my mood is light and optimistic. After all, it's spring, we've had gorgeous weather, everything is blooming all around me - and I'm struggling to write passages that are dismal and ominous. Perhaps a couple of rainy days this week will help.


Wordless Friday


Reflections on the April A to Z Challenge