Reflections on the April A to Z Challenge

And...done. The April challenge ended on Tuesday with my "Z is for Zermatt" post. Big sigh. Thanks to everyone who stopped by, followed, read, commented. It meant a lot to me that my efforts were noticed.
And I tell myself that next year I'll be more prepared. The timing just made it a little more difficult for me this year, as my second novel, CHOCOLATE FONDUE, released on March 31st. So while I was trying to do some promotion for the book, I was posting every day (but Sunday). I'd planned up to about "J" before the challenge began, but, as most of us know too well, time has a way of escaping, especially when you need it most. So I'd scramble to try to get a few posts up on a Sunday afternoon.
One thing I did that was helpful: I scheduled the posts to publish at five minutes after midnight. This way, I could proof everything at night before I went to bed, and I didn't have to rush to get the post out in the morning. Also, if there were readers outside of the United States, I wanted them to have a chance at catching the post early.
One of my friends told me she didn't know how I could top this theme. I have some ideas! But for now, I'm back to being a reluctant self-promoter.

CHOCOLATE FONDUE giveaway announcement
