Rhode Island Authors Showcase - Featuring Keith Carreiro!

The Rhode Island Authors Showcase is back! Each day in November, I’ll be featuring a different RI author. Each post features a giveaway – a book, an anthology, or something else! All you have to do to be eligible for the daily drawing is leave a comment on the blog post. I’ll use a random number generator to pick a winner one week after the blog post (to give you time to catch up).

By commenting on each post, you’re also entered to win our bigger prizes: GRAND PRIZE is a $250 Amazon gift card, BONUS PRIZE is a $100 Amazon gift card, and the CHEER UP YOU WON SOMETHING PRIZE is a $50 Amazon gift card. The big prizes will be chosen, again using a random number generator, on December 7.

Keith Carreiro and his beloved Ari

Very pleased to welcome my friend Keith Carreiro to the Authors Showcase today. You'll want to know more about him, believe me!

Keith, do you write under your own name? Professionally, I'm known as A. Keith Carreiro

Where is your hometown? I was born in Winnemucca, Nevada; I currently live in Swansea, Massachusetts

What genre(s) do you write?  Prose: sci-fi, fantasy, spiritual thriller  |  Poetry

What have you written? Send Down the Master in Person: Reflections on Adolf Eichmann eBook, annotated poem (2022)

the Penitent – Part I (2019), first trilogy of The Immortality Wars series

the Penitent – Part II (2019), first trilogy of The Immortality Wars series

the Penitent – Part III (2019), first trilogy of The Immortality Wars series

Who are some of your favorite authors? J.R.R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, T. H. White

What were some of your favorite books growing up? books by Edgar Rice Burroughs (science fiction, jungle adventure), Albert Payson Terhune (who wrote about his collies), Bruce Catton (books about the Civil War)

What do you like best about writing? One of the best benefits of writing for me is to be able to see a story idea become a living literary creation.

What do find most challenging about writing? Finding the time to fully devote to writing on a regular and daily basis as well as to meet my goal of writing 500 words a day.

Where do you draw your inspiration? My inspiration for writing is drawn from a wide variety of sources, such as from reading, from watching movies, listening to music, talking and meeting with people, from the news, from dreams, going to art museums, being outdoors hiking, working in the yard, and being open to whatever ideas reach me.

You’ve just been given the chance to collaborate on a book with C. S. Lewis. What’s the title going to be? Out of the Fire and into the Waterfall

You can find out even more about Keith by visiting the following:

Website:         https://immortalitywars.com/

Amazon Page:      https://tinyurl.com/bdhu5btu   

Facebook:              https://www.facebook.com/akeithcarreiroauthor

Instagram:             https://www.instagram.com/immortalitywars/

LinkedIn:              https://www.linkedin.com/in/a-keith-carreiro-5040aa17/

Video Interview:   https://immortalitywars.com/books-and-the-world-interview-with-a-keith-carreiro/

Twitter:                https://twitter.com/immortalitywars

YouTube:             https://www.youtube.com/user/keithcarreiro

Goodreads:          https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15959901.A_Keith_Carreiro

A baby is born and placed in his dead mother’s arms…
When the funeral shroud is cast over her, his father names his son Pall. It will soon become a name that strikes a shiver of fear into the hearts of those who hear it in combat.

A lone survivor on a battlefield many years later, Pall dazedly recovers from the wounds of war. Despite the dead cast about him, everything he looks upon is unfamiliar to him. Wandering away from this scene of carnage, he encounters John Savage, a giant of a man who puts Pall within the sight of Savage’s seven-foot, nocked longbow.

What ensues from this deadly encounter is an elusive journey for truth. Yet, while it is haunted by a ravening demon that is out to destroy Pall and John, the vision and prayers of a startlingly beautiful young woman protect them from afar.

Keith is giving away the first book in his Immortality Wars series. For a chance to win, just answer this question below: What genre do you read the most?


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