#AtoZ 1981 Songs to Remember - "R" is for "Rapture"

I chose 1981 music as my theme this year. My newest novel The Summer of Princess Diana is set in the summer of 1981, and oh! the music! Let’s take a look back at a pivotal time in the music industry.

Released in January 1981 on Blondie's fifth album Autoamerican, "Rapture" combines new wave with disco with hip hop, and really symbolizes the changing genres of music in the early 1980s.

Lead singer Debbie Harry and guitarist Chris Stein attended a rap event in the Bronx in 1978, and were impressed. The title of the song is both a play on words and an homage to rap.

This video was the first ever rap video ever broadcast on MTV. Here it is:



#AtoZ 1981 Songs to Remember - "S" is for "Start Me Up"


#AtoZ 1981 Songs to Remember - "Q" is for "Queen of Hearts"