#AtoZ 2022 Theme Reveal!

Today’s the day set for bloggers’ theme reveals, so here’s mine.

As you may know, I released my 10th novel late last year. The Summer of Princess Diana is a slightly fictionalized recount of the summer I spent as an au pair in Switzerland in 1981. For much of that summer, music played a major role in my life, and my closest friend the radio station kept me in touch with a lot of the songs that were popular in the US.

When I choose a theme, I try to make sure I can cover all the letters, especially those tricky ones - Q, X, and Z. Although I usually have to get creative (remember last year? X for PawtuXet Village and Z for HaZard Rock?), I was able to find a song for each of our alphabet’s 26. Pretty much.

So, by now you’ve guessed it - for this year, my A to Z theme is 1981 SONGS TO REMEMBER. If you were around then (I was 23!), and even if you weren’t, I think you’ll enjoy listening - and watching! Some of the videos are classic. After all, the video channel MTV launched in 1981, and that began music videos 24 hours a day. In 1981, as you'll see, some of the videos were artistic, some were cheaply produced, some, especially if the singer is still around (I'm thinking of my "L" day) are just wonderful to see. Certainly in some cases, the videos I watched in consideration of which song to match to which letter were too politically incorrect or downright offensive! Those were different times, for sure. I don't mean to offend anyone with these posts, so please view with an open mind, or just close your eyes and listen.

The Blogging from A to Z Challenge kicks off on Friday, April 1 (no foolin’) and continues every day in April except Sundays.

Note: This post, and all of the A to Z posts for April, have been written and pre-scheduled as of March 3. I write to escape the harsh realities of everyday life, and these posts have helped me to forget, even for just a short time, the horrors of war, the destruction in Ukraine. I have no idea what the world will look like on April 1 - or even on March 7, four days from today. But life continues and we could all use a distraction. These posts might bring a smile or a fond memory - I hope so. ☮️


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