My Birthday Gift to You

Cover design by Lottie Nevin

I actually started this blog, MarthaReynoldsWrites, on my birthday in 2012. Now, here I am, nine years later and nine years older. Yikes - how the years pass so quickly. Is it that way for you, too? If you're young, pay attention! Next time you think about it, you'll be my age, wondering what the heck happened.

Ah, well. Nothing to do about that except enjoy the days, and for me, the writing. I do still enjoy it, even if editing sometimes makes me want to pull my hair out. But my new novel is now with my publisher, so I will relax...and read. And work a little bit on the next book. And think about the one after that. And next year's A to Z theme. Yeah, it never ends. And that's a good thing. As long as I can keep writing, I will.

Meanwhile, I wanted to make this book free for five days (Saturday, July 10 through Wednesday, July 14). If you haven't yet read Villa del Sol, here's a chance to download a digital copy for free! It's a good book (if I do say so myself), and it won the 2018 Book Prize in Literary Fiction from the Independent Publishers of New England. That was a big honor, and I'm proud and humbled that the judges liked it enough to award it the prize. And how about that cover? I think it's the favorite cover of all of my books, and it was hand-drawn by my dear friend Lottie Nevin, who lives in Galicia, Spain with her equally-talented husband Pete. Jim and I dream about visiting them one day.

So, I hope you're enjoying summer. Some of us have had to endure miserable heat (in the US) and much-lower-than-normal temperatures - that's because climate change is real, y'all. The world can be a scary place these days - don't I know it - but that's why books are necessary. The right book can take you away from your worries and anxieties and transport you to another place. That's what I try to do. If you like this book (or any of my others), please consider leaving a brief review on Amazon or Goodreads. I don't like to ask, but it does help me gain some visibility. You know, it's all about algorithms, apparently. Either way, I'll have a new novel for you by the end of this year! It's called The Summer of Princess Diana and I hope you'll like it.

And if you celebrate a birthday this month, Happy Birthday!


Fast and Loose


What I've Read