#AtoZ Stay Home! Wear a Mask! "Z" is for HAZARD ROCK

It seemed appropriate this year to feature a theme that kept me close to home, so I give you my A to Z within the small acreage that is Rhode Island. I tried to be creative (you’ll see!) but I hope you learn something about Little Rhody, too. Whether you’ve lived here all your life, grew up within the boundaries, or have never set foot on one of our many beaches, come along for a virtual tour.

Photo by Martha Reynolds

The name Hazard is well known in Rhode Island. Members of the Hazard family were among the first settlers in the state. According to Wikipedia, "descendants have been known for military achievement, business success, philanthropy, and broad social activism spanning such causes as abolition of slavery, treatment of the insane and alcoholics, family planning, and innovative employee programs." Belcourt Castle in Newport, one of the "summer cottages" of the very well-to-do, was built for Oliver Hazard Perry Belmont, a socialite and U.S. Representative from New York.

Hazard Rock, pictured above, lies at the end of Hazard Avenue in Narragansett. The name Hazard seems appropriate here, as the rocks can be very slippery. The waves hit hard against the rocks, making them black and slick. And there have been injuries and deaths attached to the rock. In 2016, a person was pulled from the waters off Hazard Rock. At the time of rescue, the person was unresponsive and was pronounced dead. Just a few months previous, a 61-year-old man was seen swimming in the water near Hazard Rock. His body was found several days later. And in 2015, a 14-year-old girl and her father were snorkeling and spearfishing in the waters near Hazard Rock, when he lost contact with her. She was found unconscious hours later and was pronounced dead at the hospital.

So, while these stories illuminate the dangers of being on Hazard Rock, it's a beautiful place to enjoy the views from a distance, as noted in the photo above.

I hope you've enjoyed this series! Here's to another "Blogging from A to Z" in the books - this was my 10th year participating. My previous themes have been:

2012: Authors, novelists, poets, lyricists

2013: Oh! The Places I've Been

2014: CHEESE! "Smile and Say..."

2015: Listen Up!

2016: Paris Between the Wars

2017: A to Z Musicals

2018: 1968

2019: Dylan

2020: Yes, But Would You Eat It?


Coming Soon - A Green Anthology


#AtoZ Stay Home! Wear a Mask! "Y" is for YAWGOO