We've Wandered Many a Weary Foot

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Robert Burns, the Scotsman who lived just 37 years, penned the words to "Auld Lang Syne" when he was 29. Burns sent a copy to the Scots Musical Museum in 1788 with a note, saying "The following song, an old song, of the olden times, and which has never been in print, nor even in manuscript until I took it down from an old man." While it wasn't originally intended for New Year's Eve, or Hogmanay in Scotland, it soon became a favorite song for the last evening of the year.

Is it right that old times be forgotten? This is the first question posed in "Auld Lang Syne." And should old acquaintance, old friends, be forgotten, too? I hope not!

I think of the many connections I've made over the years. Some (too many) have passed away, but I'm comforted by fond memories of times spent together. Some have faded away, meaning the connection just isn't there anymore. And that's okay, too. A few have shown themselves to be something other than a friend, which is sad, but it happens. But for those that are still with me - thank you. I do treasure you. You matter to me. And while I can't shake your hand or hug you hard this year, I will raise a cup o' kindness - to you, to better days, decency, and to good health.

We have indeed wandered many a weary foot in 2020, even if we’ve mostly been at home. I don’t know about you, but I'm wrung out. Of course there have been good days, and laughter (thanks to my husband), and hope (each day dawns fresh), and I remain confident that the coming year will bring about change, (slow) healing, and promise. I have to believe it.

So, as I have have done in the past, I will leave you with my favorite version of "Auld Lang Syne." Happy New Year!

"The seas between us have roared and swelled..."

Here’s the link to my favorite version of “Auld Lang Syne.”



Planning for 2021


What I Read - September to December