RI Authors Showcase and Giveaway! Meet Candace Nadine Breen

Each day this month, meet a Rhode Island author! Comment on this blog post for a chance to win our Grand Prize (a $200 Amazon gift card) or our Bonus Prize (a $100 Amazon gift card). Some authors are giving away books, too - your comment enters you into their drawing as well. (See details at the bottom of this page)

From the introduction to Born Different:

I'm not sure when I first discovered my psychic abilities. All I know is that I've always had them, as far as I can remember. I don't ever recall a time when I didn't know I was born with these abilities...I thought I was "normal." I had not yet become aware of the cruelty that existed in the world toward people like me. I would very quickly learn to keep my mouth shut...

Increasingly, more people are awakening, and more people are open to receiving messages and guidance. The world is desperate for answers, for spiritual connection, for unity and for peace. Being born different is no longer anything to be ashamed of as we can help guide those who are awakening, and help them realize that they are needed as well.

Candace has generously offered to gift a copy of Born Different to one lucky winner. Your comment on this post enters you into her drawing, and into the Grand Prize and Bonus Prize drawings as well.

Candace Nadine Breen is of West African (Benin, Cameroon) descent and wears many hats. She taught English in Providence, RI for eleven years for grades seven and nine. During that time, she tried to find her place in society while being driven away from various religious organizations for her inability to conform to their standards. While raising a family, she returned to school and earned a Master’s in Human Services with a focus on Marriage and Family Counseling. She was later a real estate agent for a few years but found it unfulfilling, stressful, and time consuming. After taking time to open up herself to her true path, she buried herself in metaphysical studies, earning a Master’s of Science and Doctorate in Metaphysics. She became a Spiritualist Minister, which seemed like the perfect occupation for her at first, but she gradually felt that she was outgrowing the Spiritualist community and was told by a medium unknown to her that her path would not end with the Spiritualist Church.

It was very difficult for Candace to fit into societal boxes and, after falling into depression, she threw caution to the wind and decided to follow her true calling. She embraced her psychic talents, wrote and published three successful memoirs, threw herself into her art and began working on children’s books, young adult fiction books and sci-fi novels.

Although Candace is a Master Gardener, she has always loved gardening and just being outside in nature. She has found satisfaction in earth-based religions and solitary spiritual practices despite the fact that she refuses to be labeled as any particular religion. She enjoys being in her garden, meditating in her wooded and quiet backyard, painting, art, and spending time with her family. She studies earth magick, gives Spirit messages via intuitive tarot reading, runes, herbal medicine and her mediumship abilities. Candace also devotes herself to speaking, helping and healing for the highest and greatest good.

Candace resides in Barrington, Rhode Island with her loving family, consisting of her devoted husband, two very talented and creative children, and their loving and mystical cat.

Find out more about Candace by visiting her website: http://candacenadinebreen.com/

You can leave a comment on each day's blog post during November, for up to 30 chances to win. Daily giveaways by authors will be drawn one week after publication. The author will contact the winner to coordinate delivery. Grand Prize and Bonus Prize will be drawn and announced on December 8.


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