Yes, But Would You Eat It? "Q" is for Quark

Welcome to the Blogging from A to Z Challenge! Each day in April (except Sundays) I'll be posting about unusual and exotic foods.

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Quark is also referred to as quarg. It's a dairy product that's made by warming soured milk. Once it's curdled, it is strained. Quark is soft and white, and is not aged as other cheeses are. It's mostly found in German-speaking, Slavic, and Scandinavian countries.Quark is similar to what is known as fromage blanc in France, paneer in India, and queso fresco in some Latin American countries.Here's a simple way to make quark:[youtube]Don't be afraid of the quark! Would you eat it?img_0452


Yes, But Would You Eat It? "R" is for Rocky Mountain Oysters


Yes, But Would You Eat It? "P" is for Pandoro