Yes, But Would You Eat It? "N" is for Nori

Welcome to the Blogging from A to Z Challenge! Each day in April (except Sundays) I'll be posting about unusual and exotic foods.

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A name familiar to crossword puzzle aficionados and Words with Friends players, nori is the Japanese name for edible seaweed. It is used mainly in Japanese cuisine as an ingredient to wrap sushi rolls. For this use, the nori must be made into sheets.The finished dried sheets are made by shredding and rack-drying the seaweed, and is similar to papermaking. Here's a guy attempting to make his own nori sheets at home:[youtube]While seaweed is a rich source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and folate, it also contains toxic metals (arsenic and cadmium), whose levels vary among different nori products. Enjoy it in moderation, but don't eat it every day.So, would you eat nori?img_0452



Yes, But Would You Eat It? "O" is for Okra


Yes, But Would You Eat It? "M" is for Muktuk