Yes, But Would You Eat It? "G" is for Gaebul

Welcome to the Blogging from A to Z Challenge! Each day in April (except Sundays) I'll be posting about unusual and exotic foods.

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Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Yep, it's actually called the 'penis fish.' It's not really a fish but a marine spoon worm native to Korea, Japan, China, and Russia. The gaebul creates tunnels in the mud, where it traps whatever plankton and little creatures it can suck up.In Korea, they're often eaten raw with salt and sesame oil. In China, they're usually stir-fried with vegetables.SPOILER ALERT: Don't watch this video if you have a delicate stomach. I'm serious. This is prepping the gaebul:[youtube]Ahem. So, would you eat the gaebul?img_0452


Yes, But Would You Eat It? "H" is for Haggis


Yes, But Would You Eat It? "F" is for Fugu