Yes, But Would You Eat It? "B" is for Beondegi

Welcome to the Blogging from A to Z Challenge! Each day in April (except Sundays) I'll be posting about unusual and exotic foods.

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Street food is usually a great way to sample local specialties. In this case, head to South Korea and walk around the many food stalls. Now, inhale deeply. Ooh, what's that enticing aroma? Tangy, a little fishy. Now you stop in front of a food stall offering beondegi. Take a look inside - hey, what is that?Beondegi isn't fish, or nuts, or vegetable. It's steamed or boiled silkworm pupae, and very popular in South Korea! The outer shell gives you that desired crunch, while the inside is juicy. While the usual beondegi is savory, there are some that are candied and sugary. Yum!Beondegi first became popular during the Korean War, although it's admittedly an acquired taste. Your street vendor will offer you beondegi in a little cup with a toothpick. loaded with protein, you can also purchase beondegi at a corner market.So...would you eat beondegi?img_0452


Yes, But Would You Eat It? "C" is for Chicken Feet


Yes, But Would You Eat It? “A” is for Airag