Spotlight on my Happy Ever After series!

I managed to sneak in a blog post before the end of a January. Sorry for not being more consistent, but January finds me deep into drafting my new novel. And I write it out in longhand (with my favorite pen) in a spiral-bound notebook my dear friend Lynne gave to me. I've written twenty-four chapters so far - yay, me!Meanwhile, the three books I wrote as my "Happy Ever After" trilogy are being featured on various book blogs over the coming weeks. This is a way to let readers who may not know me learn about my books, and there's a giveaway of the trilogy as well. You can follow THIS LINK to find out about all the tour stops and enter the Rafflecopter giveaway.Hey, if you know me, you know I'm big on giveaways. Belated congratulations to Geri C. in Indiana, who won my big December giveaway box. I'll have another one coming up in the spring.Like all indie authors, I could use more reviews on Amazon. Yep, you've read this before. But I'll keep asking because it truly helps. Just a few words will do, and I'd rather have honest feedback, even if it's critical. It helps me be a better writer.Back to the new novel. The year is 1981 and the setting is.....wait for it....yes, it's set in Switzerland! That means I need to go back and research. No, really, my husband insisted. So off I go in March to visit with my friends and refresh my memory. Expect this new novel in late November - I'm already excited about it! I'll share more as the year progresses.We're living in uncertain times, my friends. Each day provides us with opportunities to be kind. I don't want to miss those chances, do you?


I’m Going


A Decade of Writing