#AtoZ Dylan - "B" is for Blowin' in the Wind

"All I can do is be me, whoever that is." ~ Bob DylanDylan youngWritten in 1962, "Blowin' in the Wind" appeared on Dylan's album The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan in 1963. Fifty-seven years later, we still don't know the answers to the questions he posed in the song. Click HERE for a link to the lyrics."Blowin' in the Wind" quickly became symbolic to the civil rights movement, and was recorded by The New World Singers, then sung by Peter, Paul & Mary on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in August 1963, just hours before Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his memorable 'I Have a Dream' speech. Others have recorded it, of course, including Glen Campbell, Stevie Wonder, and Dolly Parton. Of all the covers of BITW, this is my favorite:[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ld6fAO4idaI&w=560&h=315]  AtoZ2019icon


#AtoZ Dylan - "C" is for Chimes of Freedom


#AtoZ Dylan - "A" is for All Along the Watchtower