February in Flux

FebDo you feel it, too? It might be the middle of winter (by the calendar), but I think the changes are palpable. Longer days mean more daylight, as we march toward June. (Then, ironically, the longest day is the first day of summer, and from that day forward, the days grow shorter. How cruel.) Here in southern New England we had a brief taste of spring yesterday, but reality has touched our cheeks with icy fingers this morning.February, this year, is so busy! Already it's the 6th day of the shortest month, and I looked at our wall calendar (yes, we're old school that way) - it's filled with Sharpie notes and appointments. The dentist, the eye doctor, our accountant, our financial advisor. Book events, and a little research getaway. Days flying, and hoping for no snowstorms.I mentioned in my last blog post (sorry to be such a recalcitrant blogger) that I'm participating in the 85k90 challenge and it's working for me, for the most part. I've lost a few days due to not feeling good (allergy? sinus infection? cold? whatever, I feel lousy), but have stayed on track, and by today, the 37th day of the year, I've written 31,928 words of my new novel. It's fewer words than I'd hoped for, but after I post this, I'll return to the work-in-process, still untitled, and hope to log in another two thousand words.
 And I've managed to read a few books, too. I finished What If I Fly? by local author Jayne Conway. It's a good first novel by a local author, and I'm looking forward to reading more of her work. Then I stayed local and read One American Robin by E.A. Mann. It's got a gorgeous cover and that really drew me in. Finally, I finished Seventh Heaven by Alice Hoffman in two days, because I couldn't put it down. Brilliant!Anyway, there are still 22 days left in this month - lots to accomplish, changes afoot (I'll write more about them once things settle), and we should all try to stay healthy!

A New Chapter


The 85K90 Challenge