Book-a-Day #Giveaway Featuring Author Harris N. Rosen

Leave a comment on today's post and you're eligible to win this author's giveaway. Each day in November that you comment gives you an entry into the Grand Prize giveaway at the end of the month! (Print copies for US residents only, please. If you live outside the US and win, you'll receive a digital copy of the book.)Rosen bookThis is not just a collection of where your life insurance policy is or the deed to the house.  It’s much more than that – it’s the details of your life that only you know – like the home safe in the way-back of the closet, or the keys to the storage facility (and where the facility is) that has some old antiques you’ve wanted to keep for the grandchildren.For the entrepreneur and the business executive it can include records on where vital documents are stored at work.When you finish with My Family Record Book, you will have created your very OWN Family Record Book.  It will be fun (yes, fun!), and it will enable you to have a conversation with your family that will be less painful – and more peaceful.And – listen to this – you will be able to put your hands on any piece of paper or document in your house within 15 minutes.  I know – because that is what so many people tell me they are now able to do.  And THAT, my friends, is peace of mind.I wrote this book to allow me to have peace of mind. And to help you have that, too.When I retired some years ago, I had newly-found time. When people asked, "So how do you keep busy these days?" I told them of my project: writing an informational guide for my wife. For the past few decades, my wife and I have done our best to protect each other and provide a good life for ourselves, our family, and our community. As it turns out, she is the social director, cook extraordinaire, arbiter of good taste, and, of course, my best friend.My roles? The keeper of the records, the one who handles our finances, and the one who maintains our house, including its appliances. And a happy and rewarding relationship it is.But I started thinking, who will handle all these things if I weren't around? How would my wife and children know about the health insurance, service contracts for household things, unpaid and paid bills, and right on down the line to what items I want my children to have, the treasures we may have in art and collectibles.From the sublime to the critically important - we can have peace of mind in knowing a completed Record Book will give that peace of mind to those we love, too.

Rosen H
Harris “Hershey” Rosen, a graduate of Harvard, has focused on controlling chaos since 1954. He was a Financial Control Officer in the U.S. Army, where he received a Letter of Commendation for improvement to its worldwide accounting system. Next, on to satisfying everyone’s sweet tooth, he ran a candy company for 40 years, developing a system for locating ANY item housed in five factories, covering 600,000 square feet.
Following “retirement,” Hershey went on to become a mediator and settled over 200 disputes for the state of Rhode Island and The Community Mediation Center of Rhode Island. He was also asked to team-teach management courses at the University of Rhode Island, where he enthusiastically challenged the textbook with real-life experiences, to the delight and edification of the students.
Always passionate about assisting others, Hershey has been a director or trustee of numerous boards and organizations. He has most recently written My Family Record Book to help others protect their spouses  (and families) from the intense stress that will occur if one does not share financial information and knowledge critical to a functioning home.
Hershey, who lives in Providence, Rhode Island, can now relax (ha!) with his beloved wife, Myrna, and enjoy visits with their combined five children and ten grandchildren.
The author is giving away a print copy of My Family Record Book - just leave a comment on this blog post and you're entered to win! Drawing is a week from today.
Hope to see you on Saturday, December 1 at the Rhode Island Author Expo!Rhode Island Author Expo!

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