The Year of Living Minimally - Week Forty-six

SmileThe death this week of Kate Spade struck me. I don't own any of her products, but the death of a celebrity usually makes the news, and in Spade's case, because of her relatively young age (55), her vast success, and the fact that she took her own life, her death was the lead story on evening newscasts. Many people were shocked - why? Because her inner struggles weren't obvious. Like so many people, she suffered from depression.And where does this fit in with living minimally? Joshua Becker of Becoming Minimalist writes, "It is [also] helpful to intentionally make time to think positive thoughts, to practice looking for the silver lining, to choose happiness. At first, it might feel phony if you’re not an optimist, but even the staunchest realist among us can acknowledge that there is at least some lesson to be learned in every situation."I agree, it's easier for some than for others. And this is not to suggest that decluttering your living space will eradicate your sadness and depression. You can clear out all your junk and still be unhappy. However, as my friends Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus (The Minimalists) will tell you, "Getting rid of the excess in your life you discover what does in fact make you happy. (Hint: it’s not your possessions; most of your possessions are actually in the way of your happiness.) And it’s much easier to find the path toward happiness once you’ve cleared the debris."Isn't it worth a try?


The Year of Living Minimally - Week Forty-seven


The Year of Living Minimally - Week Forty-five