The Year of Living Minimally - Week Twenty-three

As I slog toward my halfway point in this year-long project, this week I can report, happily, that my workspace looks much better than it did. I forced myself to clean up this space, because last week I said I would! (I should watch what I say, right?)I refused to take any before pictures, but imagine the space you see above cluttered with papers. Oh, I knew where everything was! One thing I realized was that I had scraps of paper everywhere - words, phrases, snippets of conversation I'd overheard - things I wanted to keep for future writing. So I took a few hours and typed them into a desktop folder called "Snippets." Yeah.The floor (carpet) similarly was covered with papers - accordion folders of previous years' tax stuff (ugh), photos, insurance policies. Look, I'm confessing here! This area was in rough shape. The filing cabinet is now being used appropriately. I can find what I need.Oh, and I filled four paper bags with recyclable papers. I shredded what needed to be shredded.It's a happier place today!


Old Long Since


The Year of Living Minimally - Week Twenty-two