Thirty Questions

questionsI'm following the lead of some of my fellow bloggers (especially as I'm trying to blog more consistently, even when I don't really want to), and taking up the "Thirty Questions" Challenge. Yes, TMI probably! What did you want to be when you were a kid?  A teacher, definitely. The options for young girls at the time seemed to be limited, even if they weren't. But I loved school and thought I'd be a good teacher.Which Friends character do you relate to most? Why? I consider myself a bit old for this series, even though I have watched every episode. If I had to choose one, it would be Phoebe, because when I was that age I was most like her. Except for the vegetarian part.Do you like your name? Why? If I'm being honest here, no. I've never liked my name. Still, I've never changed it, and I could have. I've simply grown accustomed to it, and now, at 58, it seems terribly appropriate.Are you messy or neat? Both. My husband and I live comfortably and don't worry about clutter. This year I'm going to try to repurpose a lot of the 'stuff' we have, with an eye toward living more minimally.How tall are you? I've been 5'7" for most of my adult life, but last year I was measured at 5'6". Damn.How tall were you when you were ten? Best guess would be 5'something. 5'1" or 5'2"?What is your guilty pleasure? There shouldn't be guilt associated with pleasure, ever. Overindulgence, yes. And I do overindulge.What are you saving money for now? Nothing. I saved aggressively while I was working, and it's time to enjoy. I have the material items I need - if anything, we would like to travel more. Someday it'll be possible.How many Pringles can you eat at once? No. Just no.Tea or coffee? Coffee in the morning, tea during the day.Are you an introvert or extrovert? Very much an introvert. Some of my friends seem surprised at that.What will be your Hallowe'en costume this year? Again, no. I enjoyed Halloween when I was eight. Those days are long gone!Sweet or salty? A bit of both, please. If I had to choose one, it would be salty. I keep trying to quit sugar. I just don't bring it into the house.Favorite social media? Facebook has helped me to connect with readers and other authors, so I'm grateful for that. I use Twitter to stay educated on news, especially in these troubled times. And Instagram provides me with gorgeous photos of my favorite places (hint: Switzerland!).Who is the last person you kissed? James H.What is your favorite breakfast? I could eat breakfast all day. If I'm out, it's two eggs over easy, pan-fried potatoes, English muffin. At home it's a banana, half a cup of canned pumpkin, unsweetened nut milk, protein powder, cinnamon, all blended. Tastes like pie!When is your birthday? Soon! Don't they come quickly now. Lucky seven, luckier thirteen.When did you start your blog? It was on my birthday, 2012, I think, the year my first book was published.What is your opinion on the Kardashians? No opinion.How would you describe your style? Ha! I just wear what's right for the day. It's clean, it fits. Casual.What color is your hair? L'Oreal says medium golden blonde.What color socks are you wearing? No socks this morning, it's finally warm enough to go without.What is your dream job? I'm doing it. Writing novels. I may never be famous or rich from this job, but I don't care.Dogs or cats? Pets are wonderful. We had a cat in the house when I was a teenager. My husband and I have a dog. Either and both.What makes you weird? I don't know, but I am.Celebrity crush? Clive Owen, Damian Lewis, Jon Hamm, William Hurt, Ken Olin, Alan Rickman, Hugh Jackman, Denzel Washington, Benecio Del Toro. I could go on....Opinion on cigarettes? Oh boy. I do hate them, I hate what havoc they wreak on a person's health. They killed my dad, and they're killing my father-in-law. I have great sadness for those who are addicted to them, because I know few people who actually want to smoke.Do you want/have any children? Wanted - yes. Have - no.Three favorite boy's names. Michael. Daniel. Alexander.Three favorite girl's names. Jacqueline. Evangeline. Christine.Okay, your turn! You don't have to answer all of the questions - just pick one or two and give me your responses in the comments section.


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