#AtoZReveal! What's the Theme This Year?

Theme Reveal BadgeMy sixth year doing the April A to Z Blogging Challenge! This is probably the highlight for my blog each year, and, as many of you know, I start planning for the next year as soon as the current year wraps up. Sometimes a theme is just in my head, but I do a lot of planning (I learned how important it is during the 2012 Challenge, when I had not written my blog posts in advance).In 2012, I focused on writers (novelists, poets, lyricists, essayists). 2013's theme was Oh! The Places I've Been! In 2014, I titled my posts with Smile and Say..... - yes, the A to Z of cheese. In 2015, it was Listen Up! and featured musical instruments.Last year's theme was Paris Between the Wars and each day featured someone who was part of that twenty-year span (1919-1939) in Paris, when the city experienced a cultural and intellectual boom.So you may have guessed that I like to blog about food, books, music, and travel. I'd had a few ideas about my 2017 theme, but in the end, I've decided on something I hope is uplifting, fun, a little bit educational. This year's theme is..... 


Some of these musicals you'll know well, some you may not be familiar with. I had tough choices to make! And with each post I'll include a clip that features a song from that show.Hope you enjoy! And if you're blogging in April, let me know so I can be sure to check in.Here's a beautiful rendition of What the World Needs Now from Broadway for Orlando:[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5AyGvJcyoU&w=560&h=315]  


Find Your Own 'Way'


Irish Stew, 1908