Plus ça change.....

The more things change, the more they stay the same.(Rue des Epouses, Fribourg, Switzerland)I recently returned from an all-too-brief writing trip to my beloved Switzerland. 38+ years since I first traveled there as a wide-eyed college junior, bound for life with my classmates on a journey of discovery and appreciation. I've been back numerous times, with my sister, my mother, my husband, but this solo trip gave me space to contemplate.A lot has changed in Switzerland, and I noticed it more this time. Certainly, technology plays a huge part. Mobile phones are attached to everyone, train schedules are available on the phone, tickets are scanned by the conductor's phone. (Rue de Lausanne, Fribourg, Switzerland)Tastes change, and reflect the demographics of an area. This restaurant used to be known for its raclettes (from the French verb racler - to scrape - it's a meal of melted cheese, boiled potatoes, and gherkins). Now it offers gourmet burgers. The Lucerne train station has plenty of takeaway food shops - Indian, Middle Eastern, vegan.(St. Nicholas Cathedral with the Schweizerhalle in the foreground, Fribourg, Switzerland)And yet, some things remain. A cathedral dating back to 1430. (Pizzeria Mary, Lugano, Switzerland)This café in Lugano, exactly as it was when my husband and I dined there in 2009. Even the  same gruff waiter was there!(Atop Mt. Rigi)(Marie and Marcel, proprietors of the Chemin de Fer in Fribourg, 1979)(Brian Falzetta, Terry Cook, Mike Sirius, 1979, Fribourg)Some friends have passed, too soon. We can hold onto memories and smile at photos.(Martha and Fabiola Abbet-Dreyer, 2017, Chernex, Switzerland)And when we have the chance to reconnect, we take it. ❤❤❤


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