Book-a-Day #Giveaway! Claiming Space by Patricia Hinkley


Claiming Space introduces a novel perspective: You have a right to claim time and space to be happy and feel truly alive! That is your right!

A fast pace and information overload can leave you stressed, out of control, and unhappy. Why? All of nature, including humans, require intervals of action and rest. Cell phones, social media, and multi-tasking interrupt an innate balance and fragment our minds. We even teach children busy-ness by over-programming them. This has consequences. Non-stop availability drains your recovery and hides what you really care about beyond the phone calls, computer games, television, and distractions. Neglecting the impulse toward quiet time wired into all humans is unnatural and ultimately unhealthy.

It’s your choice— keep the pace—or interrupt it for less stress, more calm, and untroubled happiness in the space between actions.

Well-being and happiness are inside jobs. Claiming Space shows you how with simple ways get to a more natural state of harmony, health and a peace of mind connection beyond the mundane of everyday life.

Time for self also leads you to become more alive and linked to your place on earth. Your actions at this critical time matter to the planet we call home.

A reader wrote, “Claiming Space is priceless in its vision and breadth of detail about what claiming space is and isn’t, and how to find ways for each unique individual to claim space. The writing and ideas in this marvelous book lifted me up in times of sadness. Your book is one that readers will reach for again and again in moments of forgetting to love ourselves enough to take care of our self. Claiming Space, what power in those two wonderful words!”


Patricia Hinkley holds a BS in Nursing and a Master of Arts in Holistic Studies and Psychology. She raised two grown children, served clients, was an artist, and made time to be active in her community. Through it all she has learned the value of finding the stillness within. What she has learned is worth sharing. Claiming Space is Pat’s first book.

You can WIN a copy of this book! Just leave a comment below. One winner will be chosen at random and the author will contact you directly. Contest ends one week after publication.


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