Two Weeks, Three Rivers

photo by Martha ReynoldsI've been working on a new novel, Villa del Sol, for months now. Sometimes the writing comes easily (I have the story in my head, but getting it out isn't always easy). Life can be a distraction, an inspiration, a temporary derailment. And as much as I had wanted it to be finished in time for the 2016 Expo, that's looking more and more unlikely. So what's a writer to do?Well, last week I was featured locally here, and perhaps it was talking about my grandfather that pushed me back to a project I'd backburnered. In 1924, Earl Handy (my mother's father) and John B. Hudson (a local treasure and one of Rhode Island's foremost naturalists), took a canoe trip. Two weeks and three rivers. Earl kept a journal of the adventure. There are photographs. I'd wanted to publish this account, and now I'm determined to do by Martha ReynoldsIn delving back into this project, I've reawakened an interest in family history. I've spent days at the library, scanning microfilmed pages of old newspapers, finding articles of note, reading about long-forgotten villages in Rhode Island and Connecticut. It's fun! And, I hope, will provide for an interesting piece of history. So, stay tuned - my novel will be published sometime in 2017, but Two Weeks, Three Rivers will be ready by December (fingers and toes crossed).




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