One Week Sugar Free (Again)

too-much-sugarI won't give up trying! If you're a faithful reader of this blog (thank you!), you know I've written about sugar in the past. Something that tastes so good but is so, so bad. Yes, me, the woman who has written a trilogy of books with the word chocolate in the titles. I'm smart, but I didn't always get it. (Actually, it's not the chocolate that's hurting you, it's the sugar.)After watching the documentary Sugar Coated, I was convinced, once and for all, that sugar is harming me more than any other substance. More than salt (which I don't consume in large quantities, especially having cut out a lot of processed food), way more than (good) fat. Eggs don't cause heart attacks - sugar does. Sugar causes obesity and diabetes, too. And the reason we're at epidemic stage is because sugar has been added to just about every food that's manufactured. 80% of the foods in your typical supermarket have added sugar.Panko bread crumbs, ketchup, peanut butter. Jarred pasta sauce, salsa, flavored yogurt. Canned soup, salad dressing, granola bars. Anything purported to be low-fat or fat-free (remember those Snackwells?)So I'm making a determined effort to stop, even forgoing stevia in my coffee and tea. No maple syrup on my oatmeal. And after a week, I do feel better. My taste buds are adjusting. But I'm still learning.For the past year, I've been using PLNT brand plant-based protein powder in my morning shake. It only has 1g of sugar per scoop, but until today, I hadn't looked closely at the ingredients. The label advises: Dairy Free, Fish Free, Gluten Free, Soy Free, Wheat Free, Yeast Free, non-GMO, kosher and vegetarian.PLNT backHere are some of the ingredients listed: inulin, chocolate, cocoa, stevia, xanthan gum, natural vanilla, silica, glycine, and maltodextrin.It was eye-opening for me! All those polysaccharides! I'll be switching to a new recipe....Anyway, I'm one week sugar-free and still okay. Our refrigerator is full of vegetables and fruit and unsweetened almond milk. The cupboard shelves hold chia, hemp seeds, bee pollen, and cinnamon. 


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