Looking Back

TGHSIt's been nearly forty (what???!!!) years since I graduated from high school. No, really, how the heck did that happen? Now I'm helping to plan a reunion, to be held this August. Unlike some past reunions, this will be in a very casual setting, because at our age, we've earned the right to be comfortable.I stayed away from my high school reunions for years, certainly before I became reconnected to many of my classmates through the marvel of Facebook (hey, it helps - remember that cute boy/girl who broke your heart? He/she doesn't look the same, believe me). Without social media, we tend to recall only that awkward, sometimes painstaking period of life - you know, before you stopped giving a damn what people thought of you. I even wrote a novel about the lead-up to a fictional class's 25th reunion.Do young people even have high school reunions? Or yearbooks? I have no idea (I live in my own little world). But as we get older, time goes faster (man, does it ever), and the opportunity to reconnect with old friends is a chance to laugh and remember something good. Life was easier in 1976, I'm telling you, and perhaps we can look back on that moment in time, when fashion was horrible, music was wonderful, and our future was full of promise.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dft63gHqqKo


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