Paris Between the Wars - "R" is for Viviane Romance

A2Z-BADGE 2016-smaller_zpslstazvibBetween 1919 and 1939, Paris experienced a cultural and intellectual boom. This blog will feature artists, writers, composers, musicians, and designers. Paris was at its cultural peak.Viviane Romance (Source: Wikipedia)Born as Pauline Ronacher Ortmanns in 1912, Viviane Romance began her career as a Moulin Rouge dancer and was elected Miss Paris of 1930 (scandalous at the time because she had a child!).She appeared in several films, including this one with Tino Rossi: was offered, and rejected, a Hollywood film contract in the 1930s. She preferred to make films in her native France. However, she also resided for many years in Italy where she made several Italian language films.She died in 1991 in Nice, France.


Paris Between the Wars - "S" is for Elsa Schiaparelli


Paris Between the Wars - "Q" is for Raymond Queneau