Paris Between the Wars - "J" is for Louis Jouvet

A2Z-BADGE 2016-smaller_zpslstazvibBetween 1919 and 1939, Paris experienced a cultural and intellectual boom. This blog will feature artists, writers, composers, musicians, and designers. Paris was at its cultural peak.Louis JouvetA renowned French actor and director, Jouvet was born on the northwestern coast of France in 1887. His training in the theater as a young man helped him to overcome speech impediments and a sometimes paralyzing stage fright.Jouvet's classical training fueled his success as a film star, and audience would flock to his movies, whether they were good or not. He collaborated with playwright Jean Giraudoux in 1928, and together they produced the first staging of The Madwoman of Chaillot in 1945. He died of a heart attack while in his dressing room in 1951.In the 2007 Pixar film Ratatouille, the character of Anton Ego was modeled after Louis Jouvet. 


Paris Between the Wars - "K" is for Rina Ketty


Paris Between the Wars - "I" is for Jacques Ibert