Reflections on the 2015 A to Z

A-to-Z Reflection [2015] - LgThis was my fourth year participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge, and possibly my most successful, in terms of getting new followers and visits to my blog. In 2012, while waiting for my first novel to be edited, I decided to take part (thanks to James Duckett), and used the theme of writers, poets, essayists, and lyricists for my posts. Ah, but I had done no planning, and found the task of keeping up with writing, proofing, and posting to be daunting (I did a lot of work on those no-post Sundays!). Lesson learned.By keeping my posts very short this year (under 100 words, with a video under five minutes), I think I was able to get more readers (everybody's busy). And by creating and scheduling the posts in March, it freed me up to do more visiting. I found some great blogs that I will continue to follow.I prefer WordPress to Blogger, as a reader. It was easier to follow blogs that didn't require a code, a magic word, or triple confirms to follow. It was easier to "like" a post when I didn't feel a need to comment.The A to Z team was fabulous! Thanks to co-hosts for following, liking, and commenting on my posts. I loved the inspirational posts throughout the month.survivor-atoz 2015 - sm_zpsmfnq4uov


Three Great Reads


Listen Up! "Z" is for Zither