20 Years and Counting

Get it?Yes, it was 20 years ago today. Some days it's hard to believe how the years have flown, and at other times I think only of the time we've been together.Sturbridge, MA October 1994We bought a house, and wondered how we'd ever pay back that huge loan (month by month, it turned out).Heartbreaking infertility taught me a lesson I still remember: to be grateful for what I have, and not despair over what I lack.We got a puppy! Oh, the love and companionship of a dog. Jessie may be gone, but Bonnie is sunshine every day.Jessie 1997-2009BonnieWe traveled - each of us had vacationed extensively before we met, but together we explored England and pretty much all of New England. And Europe.On Lake Lucerne Williamstown, MAYes, I wish we'd met each other earlier in life. But we live without regret. We find humor in everyday absurdities, and enjoy the journey, hand in hand.What was, still is.


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