Your Book Blog Tour - Is It Worth It?

Masquerade Tours bannerI'm in the middle of a blog tour for Best Seller, hosted by Masquerade Tours. First time I ever tried this type of marketing. My take so far?First, Dee at Masquerade Tours is easy to work with, and very efficient. She provided me with plenty of time to answers bloggers' interview questions, etc. I chose a 7-day tour with 20 stops. Of those 20 stops, 6 of them are review stops, meaning the blogger posts an honest review of my book. And I chose to include a giveaway ($25 Amazon or B&N gift card) through Rafflecopter. Here's a list of the stops, in case you missed any of them:October 6The Mad Reviewer (Review)The Book Binder's Daughter (Review)Yeah Books! (Interview)October 7Dauntless Indies (Top Ten List)October 8Wining Wife (Review)Coffee Talk Writers (Top Ten List)Dab of Darkness (Interview)October 9Laurie Here (Review)The Great Reads (Guest Post)Book Snatch (Interview)Bookingly Yours (Guest Post)October 103 Partners in Shopping (Review)Room with Books (Interview)Boom Baby Reviews (Top Ten List)October 11Hott Books (Guest Post)Books Direct (Excerpt)October 12Girls That Read (Review)The Quintessential Bibliophile (Guest Post)October 13Deal Sharing Aunt (Interview)To Read or Not To Read (Promotional Post) Now, from what I've picked up this week, there are very few comments on the blogs. For the blogs that featured a good review of the book, that's too bad, although I noticed that those reviewers were great about sharing on Facebook and Twitter (and I made a new friend in Melissa (The Book Binder's Daughter). There was a mediocre review and one that was simply mean-spirited (in my opinion), but I took comfort in the fact that her blog wasn't well written at all.So, how much reach is there in these book blogs? Not sure, but I'd love to hear from other authors who have an opinion.I decided to include a $25 Amazon (or B&N) gift card as part of this tour, and THAT has garnered me a slew of new followers on Facebook (author page likes), Twitter, and Pinterest. Plenty of folks have tweeted out about the book, and I'm very appreciative of that.Look, we all want "reach." Sales of Best Seller have been excellent, even before this week, so it's hard to tell whether the tour has had an impact on sales. But it was worth doing if only for the experience, most of which was very positive.


Lose the Salt!


Review and Giveaway: Best Seller by Martha Reynolds