Meet Author KC Wilder

Author kc wilderI really hope you've enjoyed meeting some of my favorite authors this summer (there's one more after this!). No worries, next month it'll be back to my errant posts :-) Today I'm featuring author KC Wilder, a fellow Rhode Islander and treasured friend. Hi KC! Welcome to my blog. As you know, I have some pressing questions (!) for you....What do you think has been the most rewarding aspect of writing?KCW: For me, the most rewarding thing about writing a book is the way it enables me to connect with people. I love when I get email from readers who found something in my stories that they could relate to, or that gave them a laugh or a break from something difficult going on in their life. It makes my day to be able to connect with people on that personal level.Agree completely. And really, who cares about money? :-) What about writer's block - have you ever experienced it?KCW:  I've definitely dealt with writer's block, and the trick that seems to work best is to make my characters move. Putting them into physical motion - having them get in the car and go for a drive, or go outside for a jog - really seems to get my writing moving as well. And if that fails, I get myself moving: I go for a run, get some fresh air, meet a friend for coffee. Sometimes you just have to accept that writing isn't working right now, and stressing about it isn't going to help. The best thing you can do is go back to it at another time, refreshed.You've been writing for a while now. What advice would you offer to aspiring authors?KCW:  I really have only one bit of advice for new and/or aspiring writers, and that's to keep at it. It's a practice like anything else. You have to work at it. You have to log the hours and slog away. Read 'Outliers' by Malcolm Gladwell and you'll understand why. Anyone who's ever succeeded at anything has done so because they put in the time. If you get lucky and your first novel is accepted by the first agent you send it to, and then is published by the first publisher they send it to, and then it hits the NYT Bestseller list immediately, God bless you. But I think you've got better odds of being struck by lightning. Twice. So roll up your sleeves, get working - and don't let anything stop you.Absolutely! That book isn't going to write itself! KC Wilder has graciously offered a digital copy of her sassy and sexy 50 Ways to Leave your Husband. Join in the fun at the Rafflecopter link below and remember, all entries in this series are eligible for the grand prize (at the end of next week's feature) - good luck!50 Ways Cover FINALa Rafflecopter giveaway


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