Martha's Back!

www.melaniehoo.comThere's a badge for "surviving" the April A to Z Blogging Challenge. I'm not going to post it, only because I don't think of it as surviving. I really did enjoy blogging all month about cheese, and made some new online friends through the Challenge. But, April is over and Martha's back to work!Yesterday I typed those two words every author dreams about: THE END. My fifth book is done! Well, not really. The manuscript is finished but now the real fun begins. Editing! The manuscript is with my beta readers right now. They'll provide valuable feedback about the story - what works, what doesn't, what's boring, what's confusing. I trust them to be "kindly critical" and help me make the story better.So what's the new book about? Well, I don't want to give too much away (and I haven't even started on my back cover blurb yet), but it's set in 1976-1977 and right now the working title is Best Seller. Ha! I'm not bragging, I'm just hopeful :-)Meanwhile, I'm hoping to set up a website and a mailing list, to keep you informed of all my latest news and let you know first when I have a new release or a giveaway. If you've ever commented on one of these posts, I have your email address, so you'll probably receive something from me. But no worries, you can easily unsubscribe if you don't want to receive them. And I promise to send out only once a month - I know what it's like to have a full inbox all the time.  


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Smile and Say......"Z" is for Zamorano