Smile and Say......"K" is for KASHKAVAL

A2Z-BADGE-0002014-small_zps8300775cI guess you can figure out my theme for the 2014 A to Z Blogging Challenge. That’s right, it’s cheese!  I hope you enjoy these posts!“K" is for KASHKAVALKashkaval Made since before the Roman Empire, Kashkaval's name is derived from an Italian cheese called "Caciocavallo." That translates to "cheese on horseback." It is believed that  the name comes from the fact that two cheese forms were always bound together with rope and then left to mature by placing them 'a cavallo,' or straddling a horizontal stick or branch.Kashkaval is popular in Eastern Europe and Mediterranean regions.It's made from cow's milk (Kashkaval vitosha), ewe's milk (Kashkaval balkan), or both milks (Kashkaval preslav). In Romania, Bulgaria, and Macedonia, kashkaval is a generic term for all kinds of yellow cheese.It ages for six months, during which time it develops a spicy, somewhat salty taste with a hint of olive oil. The slightly hard texture of this cheese makes it suitable for grilling and grating. It can be served as a cheese platter or used in salads, appetizers, pizzas, and lasagna.And if you're in New York City, stop by the Kashkaval Garden for a glass of wine and some fabulous Mediterranean and Middle Eastern food!


Smile and Say......"L" is for Lappi


Smile and Say......"J" is for Jarlsberg