Chocolate for Breakfast - First Anniversary!

Light tasty breakfast, on wooden tableIt's hard to believe it's been a year already. Two years ago, I ended a career in fraud investigations, and once I'd healed myself (externally and internally), I began writing the book I'd always wanted to write. At the outset, I thought a story about a young girl who spends a year abroad in Switzerland, living in a tiny attic room, and who experiences the unexpected loss of a parent, would make for a compelling book. That was my story. But it wasn't really interesting enough. So I let it take flight, using my imagination to create the character of Bernadette and sending her on a personal coming-of-age journey. Thanks to all who have read CHOCOLATE FOR BREAKFAST! And thank you for your positive reviews on Amazon and Goodreads, and for the kind and encouraging messages of support during the past year.As many of you know, I've written and released a sequel, CHOCOLATE FONDUE, and I'm planning to release the third and final (really, last one) book in the trilogy, BITTERSWEET CHOCOLATE, sometime this fall. In the meantime, I'm celebrating the first-year anniversary of CHOCOLATE FOR BREAKFAST by hosting a little party, and you're all invited!You can enter to win a great prize here: an Amazon gift card, a copy of CHOCOLATE FOR BREAKFAST in e-book form*, a signed copy of CHOCOLATE FOR BREAKFAST*, or some Swiss chocolate! Just enter through Rafflecopter below.*If you already own CFB and would like to read CHOCOLATE FONDUE, I'll gladly make the switch. If you'd read both books, I'll send you a copy of the new novel when it's released. Your choice.a Rafflecopter giveawaySo - I tried to get this Rafflecopter thing to work, but I don't know if it's going to take. So, if it doesn't show up on this blog post, all you have to do is leave a comment and tell me what kind of chocolate you enjoy most. That's it! If the Rafflecopter widget shows up, use that instead. (Hey, I'm technically-challenged and/or it doesn't like Wordpress.) If Rafflecopter doesn't work, I'll use to choose the winners.


Remembering Lucy


Goodbye, July