June Days

june-2013-calendar-PDFFor the month of June, I'm going to try something new. Something to keep me focused, as I continue to work on my third novel and market my first two.On Mondays, I'll post a clip of music - something that just resonates with me, so I hope you'll like it, too. Four Mondays in June, four different music clips.One Wednesdays, I'll post a new word. New for me, at least, and hopefully new for you, too.  Four Wednesdays, four new words!On Fridays, I'll post a photograph - probably one of my own, one with a story attached to it. Four Fridays, four photos.That's twelve posts in June, at least, which seems like a good way for me to get some posts done. And in between, extra posts when inspiration strikes. Happy June!


Music Monday

