Third Time's a Charm for This Book Cover

Cover by Stanzalone Design - property of Martha ReynoldsFinally, I have a beautiful cover for my first book! StazAloneDesign made the covers for both of my books, and I couldn't be happier.I'd created my own cover after severing ties with the small press I'd been working with since last summer. After educating myself about self-publishing (note: educate yourself before you self-publish), I decided that I'd paid them enough money. I wanted to keep what I earned, not give it back to them. And even though I believed I had ownership rights to my original cover (after all, I'd paid for it as part of their "e-book package"), I really didn't want that cover anymore. I wanted to start fresh. So I took a photograph of a still life I created on my dining room table - a beautiful little cup and saucer from Italy (thanks, Kevin) filled with dark coffee, a croissant, and a bar of Toblerone. Chocolate for Breakfast! I learned how to create my own cover, and, honestly, I liked it better than the one I'd had originally.But when I decided to create print versions of my book, I found that the photo was unacceptable. Not enough dpi, whatever that means. All I knew was that I couldn't use it, and in an effort to get the print books done, I used a CreateSpace template that was pretty horrible. Anyone who purchased one of those, I'm really sorry, and all I can ask is that you don't judge this book by that cover.Anyway, I went back to my pal Lyn Stanzione, who create my luscious cover for Chocolate Fondue. She made this delicious cover, and I couldn't be happier with the two! Thanks, Lyn!


What I Did Wrong


My Five Favorite Places in Switzerland