A Cup o' Kindness

Reflections on 2012:

  • I became a published author! Finally realized a dream, one that followed me for decades through jobs that weren't suited to my abilities (but jobs I did well anyway). It was after the lowest point in my professional life, one that still hurts to revisit, that I learned to follow my passion. And I learned a lot about the state of publishing today: I made mistakes, but along the way I also connected with some wonderfully thoughtful and supportive writers. Independent authors understand other indies. They provide words of encouragement. They cheerlead. They get it. Sadly, a few traditionally published authors let me down, big time. They may do well to recall the times when they were just starting out.
  • We made some major adjustments in the way we live. As a couple with no children and nearly zero debt, my husband and I had lived well when I was employed. We saved a lot but enjoyed what was left. I no longer receive a hefty paycheck every other week. And the economy is, well, precarious to say the least. Sharing a cup of coffee on the promontory of rocks at Beavertail Lighthouse, watching the Atlantic Ocean rush in as the sun lowers itself to the horizon, is a priceless indulgence.
  • Mended a fence or two with estranged friends. Sometimes a misunderstanding or miscommunication (especially through e-mail) can create a crack. That crack can turn into an abyss over time. Some friendships are worth saving - reach out and make the first move if it matters less who is right or wrong. That being said, let some relationships go. Moving on occasionally means releasing those who can't move with you, and anyone who simply brings you down isn't worth the trouble.
  • I read a lot of books. You want to be a better writer? Keep reading. Get an e-reader or stick with printed books, or choose both. Read whatever you like. Just read.
  • So much violence, so many heartbreakinglyย sad news stories. Nothing will change without meaningful discussion, and it's not just about guns. It's also about mental health and how we treat it. It's about the desensitization of violence through movies and video games. And, of course, it's about money.
  • I'd still love to retire to Switzerland. A couple of women I know have married and moved there, and yes, I know it's not Utopia. Either way, I'll keep dreaming about a return visit.
  • I'm going to stop at 400 words, because someone once told me to keep my blog at 400. Wishing you peace, warmth, love, and health for 2013. I raise my cup o' kindness to you with this beautiful rendition by my favorite singer:



Rustic Getaway


Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening