A Thrill of Hope

Do you feel as though 2012 kicked you to the curb, sucker-punched you in the jaw, sent you sprawling?When I think about 2012, I will remember:

  • Newtown, Connecticut, and 28 people killed by one — the second-worst school massacre in U.S. history.
  • Hurricane Sandy - 128 people dead and over $50 billion in damage.
  • Trayvon Martin shot dead by George Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida.
  • Aurora, Colorado, where gunman James Holmes killed 12 and wounded 58.
  • A September 11 assault in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans.
  • Penn State and its sex-abuse scandal. Joe Paterno's legacy tarnished and Jerry Sandusky convicted of sexually abusing 10 boys.
  • The "fiscal cliff" that will trigger automatic tax hikes and spending cuts and our elected leaders unwilling and unable to come to a fair compromise.
  • Over 3,000 coalition deaths in Afghanistan as part of ongoing operations since the invasion in 2001.
  • Europe's debt crisis that has hit Greece, Portugal, Ireland, and Spain the hardest.
  • Malala Yousafzai, the 15-year-old Pakistani shot in the head for demanding education for girls.

We are a weary world, and we need a reason to rejoice. Well, here it is.You are not alone. You have reason to hope, and hope pushes away despair and grief. We can mourn and rejoice together this Christmas - mourn and remember those taken from us, too soon, too horribly. But we can rejoice in the expectation and hope of a better life after this one. A thrill of hope.hopeWishing you peace and love at Christmas, and always.


Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening


What I Read This Year