Pre-Launch of My First Novel

For nearly a year now, I've been working on my first novel, and it's almost ready for publication.  I finished it!  It just needs to be formatted for e-readers.I've decided to self-publish, and to have a digital version only.  Why?  Well, a lot of people now have a Kindle, or Nook, or iPad.  And if they don't, they still can read a digital version of my book on a computer.  I'm self-publishing, meaning I format the manuscript, create the book cover, write the bio, and do all the marketing.  I chose this after a year of reading posts by authors and publishers, understanding that the publishing world today is so different than it was thirty years ago (when I was dreaming about a career as a writer), and, if I am to be honest, not wanting to spend months or years sending electronic queries to publishing houses, waiting for replies (rejections), when I can get my work out there.  I don't believe that traditional publishing is validation.Look, I don't know who will read "Chocolate for Breakfast."  I know some of my friends will.  But I didn't write it to make a lot of money.  I wrote it because I love to write.  Whether it's these weekly blog posts (or daily last April during the "A to Z Blog Challenge") or writing and rewriting my first novel, I'm doing what I love.  I hired an editor to, well, to edit, to polish the manuscript, and I believe it's the best it can be.  I've built my platform through Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, and, thanks to the fabulous Tonya Kappes (, I've learned how to market.One thing Tonya suggested was to create a Pinterest board for my book.  Are you familiar with Pinterest?  I joined months ago, put up some recipes, some of the places I've traveled to, but never really got into it.  To me, it seemed better suited for a bride-to-be or a home decorator.  But I had a lot of fun creating a board for "Chocolate for Breakfast."  I found pictures of places relevant in the book.  Then I thought about who should be cast in the movie version (hey, a girl can dream!), so I posted photos of some of the people I imagined in the roles of Timmy, Karl, Hanna.  Now, you can look at the board and have an idea about the book, even before it's out.Hoping for a July 3rd launch date, but a lot of it depends on the formatting and getting it all ready for Amazon.  I'll be back here to shout when it's ready!


The Story Behind "Chocolate for Breakfast"


King of the Pastavazool