Five Ways to Celebrate the Diamond Jubilee

So what if you're not in London for the next few days. You can still celebrate like you're the queen! Here are five simple ways to be royal:1. Wear bright colors. The Queen believes she should be seen. "I can't wear beige, because nobody would know who I am," she has stated. She stands out among the masses, as it were, by wearing bright yellows and pinks and blues, and, of course, a fabulous hat.2. Host a Big Jubilee Lunch. The Big Jubilee Lunch will be part of the main program of events over the central weekend of the Diamond Jubilee. A record number of people are expected to take part. A Big Lunch can be anything from a few neighbors getting together in the garden or on the street, to a full blown street party with food, music and decoration that quite literally stops the traffic. What to serve for your Big Jubilee Lunch? Consider Beetroot, Feta and Rocket Salad; Victoria Square Veggie Cottage Pie; and Chocolate Tiffin Squares.3. Greet your subjects. While it's not mandatory that everyone bow and curtsy to you, some will. Accept it with grace and a smile. Extend your hand to the people you meet; they are thrilled to meet you! And if someone like the First Lady grabs you up in a big hug, well, carry on.4. Love animals. Queen Elizabeth loves horses (thoroughbreds, of course!) and her beloved Corgis. Princess Diana once likened the dogs at Buckingham Palace to a carpet. This follows a long tradition of the Royal Family's affection for dogs. When Queen Victoriaโ€™s beloved Collie, Noble, died at Balmoral in 1887, he was buried on the grounds of the castle and given his own gravestone, which read: 'Noble by name, by nature noble too. Faithful companion, sympathetic, true. His remains are interred here.'5. Finally, embrace local traditions. The Queen has a keen interest in Scottish country dancing. Each year during her stay at Balmoral Castle, the Queen gives dances known as Gillies' Balls, for neighbors, estate and Castle staff and members of the local community.Happy Diamond Jubilee!


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