K is for Garrison Keillor

The A to Z Blogging Challenge rolls on.  Today is the letter "K" - Stephen King, Carole King, Barbara Kingsolver, and the one I chose: Garrison Keillor.Because he is so well-known as a radio personality, you should listen to him.  Here he is in 2008 at the University of Dayton:What would be the motivation for writing if you're in a good mood?  Ha![youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHIb7JhV_YU&feature=relmfu]He's been entertaining listeners since 1974 with the Prairie Home Companion and tales of Lake Wobegon Days.  While Prairie Home Companion is probably the best-known of Keillor's works, he's written for The New Yorker and The Atlantic Monthly, among others.And for a slight Rhode Island connection, Keillor mentions in his book Homegrown Democrat his ancestor Joseph Crandall, who was associated with Roger Williams, the founder of my home state.Here is some advice for writers.  I am going to take that advice and I am going to...get out.  You do that, too![youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADQO0aO_uSc]


L is for Harper Lee


J is for Tom Jones